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Saturday, March 28, 2009

How Women Make in 10 Minutes Orgasme

Not prudish woman for men is subject to satisfactory hasratnya. But whether the man concerned to satisfy themselves of the women make time. That will be a question for all of us, how to make women orgasme?

clearly the man who may have the women and men will become idamannya. But whether men know that a step-langkang in the need for women to the seventh heaven with only stimulate G Spotnya?

For that we will provide step-langkang for men who want to satisfy the woman to fly to the seventh heaven.

First minut: Start with stroke his head and brow of fondling directed toward the neck, try to further stimulate your index finger touching the back of the ear bagianh women.

Second minuts: Kiss face from brow and browse slowly towards the eyes and nose. Then the smell started from the corner of the lips so that the lips of the woman's lips and heart woman berdegup fast.

Third minuts: Use your tongue to do the stimulus in the ear and you light hembuskan breath occasionally burrow into the ear.

Fourth minuts: After exploring the ear, ciumlah the neck and give a little smacker and do intimate with soft lick.

Fifth minuts: Lower your kiss toward the side of the chest and ekslorasi the side of the chest to the woman sigh a straight face.

Sixth minuts: Start referring to the smell you but do not directly payudarahnya to putingnya. Make rounds of the terluar payudarah to go and do putingnya turn, this will make it a curious and improve hasratnya.

Sevent minuts: Start to explore the stomach with your tongue and lap it pusarnya hole, you will get a pair of extraordinary excitement.

Eight minuts: Now use your tongue to attack the pahanya while your hands play in the featherweight vaginanya part, this may further stimulate the woman.

Nine minuts: Make the stimulus to the outside of the vagina with the vagina and lick the lips which is a small bulge at the bottom, it will make the woman happy and can rangangan high.

Ten minuts: Minutes last-minute entry to your tongue in vagina hole women jilatlah and slowly, with selingi suction out your mouth with a lap and the top of the vaginanya. So the woman and to the seventh heaven without doing the ML and women satisfied.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Black Shadows Under Eyes

Black shadow under the eyes is one of the factors that is able to reduce the appearance and freshness face. There are many factors that can be a cause, one sign you are asleep or suffering from allergy center.

Blackish color under the eyes, according to health experts, may also foreshadow symptoms of serious health disturbances. Especially when the expression is at the same time with sore throat pain or fever.

There are several factors that can be a higher-up the black shadows under the eyes, one of which is:

1. Due to the sun
Sun can be the cause of the black shadows under the eyes, the area under the eye more quickly changed to dark skin than others around the face.

2. Poor nutrition Feed
If you consume less green old age, the color black under your eyes is a sign that you may experience a lack of nutrition. To overcome this, konsumsilah foods rich in antioxidants every day.

3. Poor sleep
If a night or yesterday evening You begadang, the black circles under the eyes will become less rest your bookmarks (to sleep). The more tired you are, your face skin will show the flow of blood under the eyes. So that the skin color under your eyes will look kebiruan or darker.

4. Offspring / genetic
Unfortunately, for some people, black stripe under the eyes is hereditary or genetic. If your mother mengalaminya, so you can also get it.

Generally this is due to the blood vessel. The influence of the high amount of blood found in the area, making the skin become more visible than dark skin color in the face of another.

How do I overcome this?

There are several ways you can do to reduce or overcome the dark color under the eyes are:

- With cosmetic products
Currently many cosmetic products that can help whiten black color under the eyes, but use carefully with attention to how pemakaiannya.

- How traditional
Black color under the eyes due to eye tired or lacking sleep, can disegarkan with mengkompres eyes with cucumber slices or tomato paste in the eyes.

- Bedroom
Rest or sleep is enough for 8 hours a day, will help you remove the black color under the eyes.

- Eliminate factors triggered
Eliminate or minimize the causes of the occurrence of color is black. Learn what factors cause a black color under your eyes as much as possible avoid it.


Eliminate wrinkles With Natural Ingredients

Although at this time is much cream that is able to 'remove' wrinkles, but it does not mean there is not a traditional ingredient that is capable of doing the same thing. In addition to material easily obtained, even simple pembuatannya only. Interested in trying? Here are some materials you can use:


Honey is the result of the domestic industry that was widely available and is able to eliminate wrinkles. That you need to do is membalurkan a little honey to your face and leave for 25-30 minutes. After that basuh face using warm water, then Refresh the rocks in the whole skin usapkan to face. Make sure ice is washed places dibaluri honey.

To remember before handling this, the face should dibasuh first with the water tepid. So that the benefits of honey to be more effective, because the pore-pore in the skin of the face open.


Fruits include the most effective and natural to be antikeriput cream. The easy way, lumatkan one or two bananas until soft and broken-like cream. Balurkan banana cream to the entire surface of the face. Leave it up to about 30 minutes, then clean using warm water. Clap-clap your skin with a soft face, never mengusapnya to dry.


Pure coconut oil is also able to lift the dry skin that cause wrinkles. Self membalurkan with warm coconut oil to the surface face. Make this process as much as you need to maintain your face skin tension.


Vitamin C-rich fruit is also very good to eliminate wrinkles in the skin of the face. You live outside skin, and flesh of the fruit is picked up and the skin surface to be smeared face the problem. For example around the mouth, under and around the eye and the other. Let the liquid dry out the thin pineapple in your face about 20 minutes, after that basuh with warm water or cold water.


Ozone therapy, Creating Beautiful And Healthy Body

Prevent disease and improve the body's resistance, can be done in different ways. One of them by using the Advanced Therapy Ozone or ozone therapy. Therapy is effective because terbukti able to expedite the process of healing and dispel various diseases.

Ozone therapy is not a new thing in the world of beauty, because there have been since World War I in Germany. However, only used to treat various diseases, such as injury or infection caused by bacteria.

In 1960, this therapy is also used to treat various diseases other than infection, such as disease degeneratif and metabolic problems. Ozone therapy a new entry to Indonesia in 2003, using a more sophisticated method.

According to dr. Welly Sondakh, MPH., Ozone therapy can increase ATP production, namely monekul of chemical energy from the main body, so it can strengthen the body's metabolism.

"Menipisnya measure oxygen, heavy pollution and various health behaviors do not cause menumpuknya various metabolic waste and toxic free radicals in the body. This is a disease and cause a variety of metabolic disturbances," explained Dr Clinic The Answer. Welly's.

Patterns of living that are less healthy, less like sports, is not healthy eating patterns, stress and environmental pollution degeneratif speed up the process or penuaan, besides the existence of internal factors such as genetic factors.

Penuaan process has started going after someone entered the age of 30 years, the process occurs naturally and slowly so that the less frequently observed. However, in certain people, the process can happen so quickly.

"The process of aging associated with the many free radicals, and ozone was able menetralisir different free radicals," said the ozone therapeutist have the training and education in Germany and Russia this.

Injected with ozone (O2) that have been changed to O3 under the skin, will make faskularisasi become better menginduksi and the establishment of a network of collagen under the skin. So that the skin becomes more elastic and prevent wrinkles and penuaan.

Useful addition to prevent early penuan, ozone therapy is also able to overcome the various problems caused pustule skin, burns and allergies.

"Women who enter menopause period will be that ozone therapy. So also with women who did not start the cycle haidnya regularly, with the ozone therapy will become normal again. Penuan Prevention and wrinkles using this therapy has been conducted in many countries in Europe, such as Italy, germany, Russia, Spain, "he said.

However not all people can use ozone therapy, especially those who suffer illness or aberration in Hyperthyroid thyroid. The penderitanya thyroid generally have a very active, such as symptoms of rapid heart tap, eyes bug out, sweat out a lot, hard to sleep, and other lean.

In addition, someone who has a very high metabolism is not recommended to do this therapy. Once jufa with patients Favism, the conditions in which the enzyme glucose 6-phosphate dehidrogenase it is less, the blood cells look small and easily broken. Cell anemia and patients, in which blood cells look small, fragile, and easily broken.


How to Eliminate Flek in Black Face

All women crave face clean skin, free from whelk and flek black. However, one problem that most often occurs in most Asian women, particularly those aged above 30 years old, is the occurrence of black spot or flek in the face.

Pigmentasi skin or melasma, can occur in some parts of the body, especially in the area of the face, due to sun exposure.

Besides sunlight, melasma can also occur due to use of hormonal drugs, such as pregnancy prevention drugs. Flek can also arise due to the former whelk, the antibiotic drugs, antiepilepsi and antiperadangan.

Use of cosmetics is likely to contain mercury and acid salisilat, can make a face flek fell ill. Because when used continuously, will cause the skin to become very sensitive to the sun sengatan.

Can Flek away?

Flek away from the surface of the face, not an easy as it requires routine maintenance flek so lost and do not appear again.

Many ways can be done to eliminate flek, ranging from wearing masks to use cream bleach (bleaching cream) that are useful for mencerahkan face.

Cream bleach function is to lift the horn layer of the skin, eliminate komedo, smooth circulation of blood under the skin, increase elasticity and mencerahkan facial skin.

But with the modern equipment at this time, flek can be quickly removed. But to be able to do so, the cost must be paid not even a little.

First to be done, is doing facial. The goal is to clean the face of skin cells die, so the face becomes brighter and to prevent and erase flek. How:

- Usapkan cream on the face and diamkan for 15 minutes.
- Clean the face, and scrub with the scrub to eliminate dead skin cells.
- Wash your face, and face with a mask lumuri.
- After the mask dry out, clean the face again, then use a moisturizer.

You will find new benefits, when you make facial routinely for 10 times. Levels of success depending on how severe flek that you suffered. For you who have the skin of the face flek with a slightly expanded, should do facial once a week and assisted with the night cream.

One of the facial that is now widely used and the start is considered clean enough nutritious flek, is spirulina. Spirulina is seaweed that has been packed in the form of a kind of mud mask, its function to reduce flek because of the structure, such as scrubs. Spirulina is also available in capsule form and as a supplement drink.

With the treatment once a week, ten times during the facial treatment, flek will fade. But of course, the effect will be more satisfying is that you must be diligent and do the routine.

Doing Self Facial, Can?

Facial treatment can actually do your own at home, provided enough material to know what is needed. In addition to using materials that are sold masks, you can also do facial with fruit or natural materials.

Bengkuang mask or Mentimun

Bengkuang since first known black flek able to overcome in the face. So any Mentimun. Memblendernya you live, and lumurkan in the face so that flek black fade in the face.

But use fruit that is still fresh and good condition, because if you do not care, instead of healing, even your facial skin will be itchy-itchy. If the face terlanjur poignant and itchy-itchy, here's what you should do:
- Oleskan thin-thin honey in the original face for 15 minutes, then clean with warm water.
- Basuh face with ice water, clap-clap slowly and evenly to feel fresh.

Treatment with bengkoang or mentimun the diblender, both for your work on the outside. Effect bengkoang sari or mentimun the cold, it will feel cool in the face right after you use.

Sliced lemon

For you who are over 40 years, the lemon slices evenly on the skin of the face and entire body is able to lift the skin cells to die. Diamkan to dry, then with water bilaslah tepid that pore-pore opens. After that, Rinse again with cold water so that the pore-porinya together.


In addition to lime, uterus antioxidants found in tea is also good to prevent early penuaan. Tea contains the tanin is very good for the sun burn the skin, lips tighten, skin care for face and black hair. How:
- Inapkan cuppa thick night.
- Oleskan water to the entire skin of the face and body.
- Leave it to dry by itself.
- Rinse with warm water to open the skin pore, then Rinse with water.

Tea is also useful to refresh tired eyes, you put one pocket tea dye that has been cold directly on the lid. While lying, to you and do care face skin and eyes.

Avoid Face Toner

When cleaning your face with milk cleanser in the morning or night, simply Rinse your face with ordinary water. You do not need a toner, or face Astringent and tonic, because pemakaiannya be excessive, thus causing increased dry facial skin. Unless your face oily skin.

If you are diligent to make your own facial at home, make sure the skin of the face you have first dibersihakan use scrubs. Please note, the use of natural materials are the result can not IM as a laser or other in-salon salon. But if done regularly and correctly, the result is not less bersihnya. Welcome to try!


Before treatment the face, you should first identify your skin type. Basically the skin of the face divided into three types, namely:

Normal Skin
- Usually in the area of T (such as the forehead, nose and chin) produces excessive oil, pore-pore is greater than at the other face.
- After a clean face, cheek skin will feel taut.
- Contraction over the age will have increased around the eyes, forehead, and the top lip.
- Skin sengatan sun burn easily, so that the visible redness or kecokelatan.

Oily skin
- Generally have a large pore-pore and berkomedo.
- Skin face looks shiny finery and easily changeable.
- Contraction in the face of slower rather than other types of skin.

Dry Skin
- Easy to exfoliate and burn if exposed to the sun sengatan.
In the cold easily teriritasi or itch-itch.
- Local Q sometimes as scaly skin and face feel tight right after the clean.
- Contraction appear more quickly, not only on the face, but also on other body skin.

Sensitive Skin
- Easy teriritasi if a particular cosmetic or exposed to sunlight exposure.
- Skin is generally dry and seemed to "thin" one.
- Skin will feel tight right after a clean.

If the type of skin you have in mind, the care and cosmetic facial skin that you will need more easily find matches.


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